Friday, August 11, 2017

Freeform Friday

I had a satisfying week purging the house of things we don't use in preparation for listing our house as a game day rental. We donated seven bags of clothes and got rid of a ton of baby gear, and I swear our house feels lighter. Tonight we're hosting an impromptu dinner party, and I'm making a new recipe to use up a ton of tomatoes we have on the counter. We're outdoor party hopping tomorrow, with a friend's block party and street party downtown, and I get to go chat about Brave New World at book club on Sunday.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Ever wanted to stay in a Hobbit home?

I could binge read this travel blog, with fantastic photos, forever and ever.

Caftan for the win. 

What fun accessories for your favorite littles.

Hilarious tweets from The Last Blockbuster.

An ode to bad family vacations.

A terrific farm house is on the market.

Why multilevel-marketing companies are bad news.

Don’t use Asian Americans to justify bullshit anti-affirmative action politics.

Sorry about our president.

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

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