Friday, August 18, 2017

Freeform Friday

Thanks to a pleasant weather forecast, I'm looking forward to a pop-up dinner party at a surprise location tomorrow night and a showing of The Wizard of Oz at our favorite local theater on Sunday. Summer may be almost gone, but I'm tipping the glass back for every last drop, folks.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How to view the 2017 solar eclipse.

What to do with all your summer tomatoes.

What happened in the lives of two women in a famous Civil Rights photo.

How about this fall side dish recipe?

Are you thinking of going to the Women's Convention in Detroit?

This book is so captivating that I read it in almost one sitting; this companion piece and video is also lovely.

A new twist on what to do with precooked chicken.

If you voted for him.

Eight ways to help after Charlottesville.

The importance of a local newspaper (which my hometown barely has anymore).

Three fantastic protest art magazine covers.

The scoop on Antifa.

Thank you, Tina Fey.

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

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