Friday, September 22, 2017

Freeform Friday

Today is the first official day of fall, and somehow we're finally getting temps in the 90s like we wanted back in August. Therefore, I'm plotting to get us to a local lake for a post-work cool off. We're also headed to the movies on Sunday for Art House Theater Day. Yahoo for cool movies on the big screen! I hope you have a cool weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Have you seen the trailer for Wes Anderson's new movie?

There's more room for women at the top.

These are the coolest student IDs. Ever.

Meet John Dingell, the King of Twitter.

Damn. Here's What Happened (and what could have happened.)

Before and after Hurricane Irma: What happened to favorite Florida Keys landmarks?

This is why I'm obsessive about washing hands at work and as soon as I get home.

I like the defining questions in this personality quiz almost more than the results.

I love it when Zingerman's recipes surface. Thank you, internet!

This spot is on my fall travel bucket list.

Some fun movie trivia about Dirty Dancing and The Godfather

I fall a little bit more in love with Paul Newman every time I watch this.

So many cute, cheap T-shirts.

[Image from Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox.]

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