Friday, September 29, 2017

Freeform Friday

I'm looking forward to a weekend reading my book club book, going for a family hike in the crisp fall woods, and cuddling on the couch while binge watching a bunch of movies. The first day of October also calls for purchasing copious amounts of apples and pumpkins, so I'll head to my favorite local farm for both this weekend. I hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

Trying to keep up with Bob Ross

So you've decided to make friends with a Black person: A beginner's guide. 

National park travel goals.

Tiny homes in Detroit.

For those of us already tired of packing school lunches.

Unique museum events wroth the trip (along with a wonderful, free event at the DIA).

Sherman Alexie on the aftermath of the "Native American Apocalypse."

"Not giving a shit takes the wind out of an asshole's sails."

A nice reminder about how a few simple ingredients can come together so easily.

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