Friday, October 13, 2017

Freeform Friday

I love any chance to get my kids in their Halloween costumes, so we're headed to a fantastic jack-o-lantern lined Halloween event this weekend where Glinda from Wizard of Oz and Darth Vader will unveil their festive looks. We also have a great evening with friends planned where we learn about drink a curated selection of wines that the guests all bring. Cheers to that.

I hope you have a  wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

I have no reason to want these or these, but I find their cuteness irresistible.

 “We’re not really ‘environmental’ anymore, and we certainly aren’t ‘protecting’ anything.”

Why it's worth it to wait in line for a signed book from David Sedaris.

If famous directors filmed recipes how-tos.

The Rock Test: A hack for men who don't understand sexual harassment.

One might see this as a success if the group didn't have a history of being obscenely biased.

I hope, gentle readers, you're not sick of all my Sherman Alexie posts (so sorry, not sorry).

“Based on the prevalence of guns in this country, there’s a bullet for every man, woman, and child.”

Why are more American teenagers than ever suffering from severe anxiety?

Have you seen this Twitter bot that fs every word in the English language?

I need to find a place in my house for these tiles, designed for a local rehabilitated theater.

[Photo by BosExposures on Instagram.]

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