Friday, October 20, 2017

Freeform Friday

These golden autumn days are grand, aren't they? We're lounging on the back porch this afternoon and capping the day off with pumpkin ice cream for dessert. I also get to meet a friend for an evening out this weekend to celebrate her birthday, and we're meeting at a local restaurant that makes the my favorite cocktail.

I hope you have a grand weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Things boys could learn from Girl Scouts.

I already know where I'm headed when school gets out in June.

This show was my guilty pleasure in high school.

Love this homegrown pumpkin ad.

Halloween costume goals.

Book inspired costumes for kids (and adults!).

Hilarious pictures of hysteria responses inside a haunted house.

Former Wharton professor: "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had."

Would you go to dinner in an igloo along the Thames?

"There's something to be said for keeping things to yourself until it's time."

Special delivery from Carrie Fisher!

Kevin Smith is donating his Weinstein residuals to a charity for women in filmmaking.

[Photo from LeighAnn_A_Gram on Instagram.]

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