Friday, October 27, 2017

Freeform Friday

This whole weekend is one long Halloween pre-party for our kids. We're heading out to a spooky movie Saturday and a trick-or-treat event at a local museum on Sunday. Some friends are hosting an awesome clothing swap party, too, so I'm hopeful that I can off-load some sweaters I've tired of and pick up a new (to me) item to refresh my wardrobe.

I hope you have a festive weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Halloween nostalgia compliments of the family farm I grew up on.

I have a feeling this will be my new cold weather favorite meal.

How much sugar can you avoid today (also known as how the brain of a meal planner for a T1D works)?

Don't be fooled by media bias. Think for yourself with help from AllSides.

Newseum's fascinating look at today's front page.

Solar power for Puetro Rico compliments of Tesla.

Hillary highlights from her event in Ann Arbor.

Reese Witherspoon's insight into personally changing women in film.

I firmly believe in drinking from unusual mugs, and this is my favorite lately.

Bubloons made by mixing helium with foam.

[Photo by Wright Kitchen on Instagram.]

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