Friday, November 17, 2017

Freeform Friday

This glorious weekend my book club is headed to Detroit for a day and night out on the town. I'm looking forward to shopping here and here, taking in a new exhibit at the DIA, staying at an amazing hotel, and going out for fabulous meals. It should be the perfect time to unwind with my gal pals before the hectic holidays are upon us.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Detroit Pistons Coach: Athletes who protest Are patriots.

Have you seen Lady Bird? I'm itching to see it.

The Paper Bag Princess is coming to the big screen. Woo hoo!

A timely PSA from Samantha Bee.

A nice change of tone: celebs behaving nicely.

Note to self: Ten Commandments for an at-home birthday party.

Harry Potter texting humor.

I loooooove a fun pair of bookish socks.

Two BBC series that you should binge watch: Meet the Romans with Mary Beard and The Ascent of Women.

In related news, I now need a poppy coat like Mary Beard.

A classic, simple pair of leather ballet flats (that I hope work out because I bought two pairs!).

Comforting chicken and dumplings for cold nights.

Pumpkin butter-oatmeal pie sounds incredible.

[Photo from Tina Logan on Flicker.]

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