Saturday, November 25, 2017

Freeform Friday

After a whirlwind couple of days hosting Thanksgiving and celebrating a dear friend's birthday at the Dead and Company show in Detroit, we're laying low the rest of the holiday weekend. Our most ambitious plans are heading out for a new movie and bowling with my sister and her fun crew. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

There are so many tempting pop-up holiday shops in Detroit this season! Which one is at the top of your list?

The underestimated talent and overpowering endurance of Stevie Nicks.

Glad to be reading this wonderful novel again for book club.

Ladies! Go see this film with your mom and sister. Cue reminiscing and laughing about awful things you did and bad dating choice you made as a teenager.

I picked up this super-soft unicorn toy and these unicorn tights for my daughter's Christmas stocking.

[Photo from Wright Kitchen on Instgram.]

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