Friday, January 26, 2018

Freeform Friday

Today caps off a busy week of finals at work, so I'm taking the advice I gave my students and indulging in some much needed self-care. Between happy hour with girlfriends, a massage, and a movie out with my favorite guy, that should do the trick and help me recharge over the weekend.

I hope you have a restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How to maintain meaningful friendships.

Every wonder why Hermione had such an unusual patronus?

This slow roasted pork looks especially hyggeligt for a cold winter day.

Watch this incredible animation that shows how deep humans have dug.

What even matters anymore?

We can dream, can't we?

RBG's Gins-Burns.

Female-Led Films Won at the Box Office in 2017 for the First Time in 59 Years.

Sundance hit The Tale is a based on a true story that's going to make you uncomfortable.

[Photo from Out of the Bex on Instagram.]

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