Friday, February 2, 2018

Freeform Friday

This weekend I'm hosting a girl's movie night, and it gives me an excuse to make two cookies from my new recipe book. Otherwise, I'm just deliriously happy to be at home after a loooong work week. So cozy. So cuddly.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How amazing are these ice yachts?

I can not put this book down, and I find myself saying "huh!" out loud several times per page. So. Good.

I'm dreaming of summer vacation and figuring out how to pack light with the help of this and this.

Slow-cooked pulled pork Cubans? Yes, please.

I've been thinking about this insightful, timely film all week.

Penzey's is a savvy company who’s figured out how to capitalize on the political outrage of the Trump era and social media’s way of amplifying it.

This made me laugh.

Deep in Clinton country, voters stand by their candidate.

A great clip from the Grammys of familiar faces narrating Fire and Fury.

Will Ferrell’s George W. Bush reminds America how bad he was.

[Image from Pure Michigan on Instagram.]

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