Friday, March 30, 2018

Freeform Friday

After a sunny week in the Florida Keys, we're back home and happy to enjoy the last days of spring break watching late movies, going out for drinks with friends, and hanging out around the house. My lovely sister is hosting Easter on Sunday, and I'm hopeful that the weather is at least sunny for the egg hunt. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

In defense of funeral potatoes (my favorite indulgent side for Easter dinner).

Swirled Easter eggs using Cool Whip and food coloring.

Did you know turtles could do this?

Beetlejuice is a weird and wonderful 30-years-old.

Sean Penn has published a book. Please stop him from writing another.

Email sign-offs that might get you fired.

Love this lightweight camera case for traveling.

And these compression travel cubes.

How fun are these pirate shirts for little boys?

Bad ass feminist shirts and bags.

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram of my current book club read, poolside of course.]

Friday, March 23, 2018

Freeform Friday

Spring break is here, and work was buzzing with travel plans today. My teaching partner is in Italy with more than a dozen of our students, so I decided that our remaining crew should have a huge French themed party to celebrate the end of our Candide unit. Nibbling homemade crepes certainly helped us contemplate the best of all possible worlds. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Vindication! Someone else who can't stand sharing small plates at restaurants.

Character interviews from Wes Anderson's newest film.

Bill Murray's shenanigans during the promo for Isle of Dogs.

My kids have been really into this bedtime routine that I happily participate in.

John Oliver's gay-bunny book is outselling the Pence book it's mocking.

If becoming a teacher were as easy as buying a gun.

When the students say enough.

How to see, and block, all the Facebook apps that are collecting your information.

Great advice on traveling well.

The ultimate London guide.

The 25 best things to do in Paris.

[Image of a wonderful crepe spread from Bon Appetit.]

Friday, March 16, 2018

Freeform Friday

This weekend everyone is Irish for the night, and I'm happy to drink my annual pint of Guinness to celebrate the occasion. I delight in food traditions for different holidays, and it's not St. Patrick's Day without Irish pub nachos and these layered mint brownies. I hope you have a festive weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

DeVos' blundering 60 Minutes interview got annotated and is Genius.

The toddler feelings helpline is spot on.

What a fun idea for a special occasion movie night.

Where to eat in one of the world's culinary hot spots.

My feelings on March Madness.

I never tire of watching the designs of Saul and Elaine Bass.

I want to meet the people who are selling this house.

When Peeps attack! Ha!

Loving my new rain coat.

Telling kids to "Walk up, not out" inappropriately asks students to take responsibility for the mental health problems of their peers. Being nice to others doesn't fix the gun problems in this country.

Black children will be the victims of armed teachers.

[Photo of beautiful Belle Isle from Pure Michigan on Instagram.]

Friday, March 9, 2018

Freeform Friday

We're staying cozy at home for most of the weekend, and I'm looking forward to chatting about our mindfulness exercises at book club this weekend. I'm so impressed with the difference practicing one new exercise each week makes in how I go through each day with more gratitude and awareness. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

If literature's complicated male characters were on Tinder.

This shark migration is both fascinating and terrifying.

What the f possesses Alexa to laugh for no reason?

I marathoned my way thought this wonderful book in a weepy and rewarding 24 hours. The author is featured in a short video here, and the article that inspired the book is here.

What shoes do you wear to work? These are my current favorites, and now I want these in about three colors.

Here's my favorite cool weather sweatshirt.

Always on the lookout for a new weekend breakfast idea, this TJ's inspired recipe looks delish. 

We occupied ourselves for a whole afternoon with this fantastic stuff.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Friday, March 2, 2018

Freeform Friday

Hello weekend! We're headed to a wonderful new restaurant tonight, and I'm excited to see what all the buzz is about. We also have tickets to a performance of Music from Harry Potter at our local symphony, and it's the first time we've been together as a whole family. I can't wait to see all of the Muggles and wizards in costume. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

I'm still searching for a show I like as much as The Crown and hope one of these will to the trick.

This new movie looks amazing. Did you read the book, too?

Love these out of the ordinary Harry Potter costumes.

We could have told you that.

Hey! Visit Ann Arbor featured my picture from a favorite local landmark.

I'm kind of obsessed with this amazing airfare search engine.

Excited to check this city off my bucket list this summer.

Anyone try  this free app that helps you breeze through customs?

Put an egg on it! Here are 47 egg recipes to consider.

[Bookshelf envy compliments of The Wing via Quartz.]