Friday, March 23, 2018

Freeform Friday

Spring break is here, and work was buzzing with travel plans today. My teaching partner is in Italy with more than a dozen of our students, so I decided that our remaining crew should have a huge French themed party to celebrate the end of our Candide unit. Nibbling homemade crepes certainly helped us contemplate the best of all possible worlds. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Vindication! Someone else who can't stand sharing small plates at restaurants.

Character interviews from Wes Anderson's newest film.

Bill Murray's shenanigans during the promo for Isle of Dogs.

My kids have been really into this bedtime routine that I happily participate in.

John Oliver's gay-bunny book is outselling the Pence book it's mocking.

If becoming a teacher were as easy as buying a gun.

When the students say enough.

How to see, and block, all the Facebook apps that are collecting your information.

Great advice on traveling well.

The ultimate London guide.

The 25 best things to do in Paris.

[Image of a wonderful crepe spread from Bon Appetit.]

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