Friday, March 16, 2018

Freeform Friday

This weekend everyone is Irish for the night, and I'm happy to drink my annual pint of Guinness to celebrate the occasion. I delight in food traditions for different holidays, and it's not St. Patrick's Day without Irish pub nachos and these layered mint brownies. I hope you have a festive weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

DeVos' blundering 60 Minutes interview got annotated and is Genius.

The toddler feelings helpline is spot on.

What a fun idea for a special occasion movie night.

Where to eat in one of the world's culinary hot spots.

My feelings on March Madness.

I never tire of watching the designs of Saul and Elaine Bass.

I want to meet the people who are selling this house.

When Peeps attack! Ha!

Loving my new rain coat.

Telling kids to "Walk up, not out" inappropriately asks students to take responsibility for the mental health problems of their peers. Being nice to others doesn't fix the gun problems in this country.

Black children will be the victims of armed teachers.

[Photo of beautiful Belle Isle from Pure Michigan on Instagram.]

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