Friday, April 27, 2018

Freeform Friday

If the weather cooperates, we're going on a bike ride on a fantastic border-to-boader trail just outside of town this weekend. We also get to see old friends and catchup over dinner and drinks (with no kids!). I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Stop everything and look at this incredible resource for tracking the many beautiful murals in Detroit.

This is forty?

Ha! Parenting in a nutshell.

A conversation with the team behind Isle of Dogs' painstaking visuals.

Take at look at the Puppet Workshop and see how the characters for Isle of Dogs were created.

I can't get this song out of my head since seeing the film last weekend. Love. Love. Love it. 

I'll admit that I enjoyed reading this more than Walden

What Jurassic Park would look like if it was scientifically accurate. 

Good reminders for what good co-workers look like. 

Did you know that Uranus is the fartiest plant in the solar system?

How dreamy is this footage of the night sky in Michigan's Upper Peninsula?

Taste the rainbow.

Chambray pants? Yes please.

Check out this spring chicken. Yum!

[Image from Nichola Henry on Instagram.]

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