Friday, May 4, 2018

Freeform Friday

Happy weekend! Today we're putzing around the yard in the sunshine and blustery winds; it rained heavily yesterday, so the creek behind our house is a perfect combination of clear but really full rushing water. The view from our back deck makes all ambition, for doing anything on a Friday afternoon, float downstream.  Tomorrow we're all headed to a Cinco de Mayo party that friends graciously host each year, and I'm excited to catch up with buddies we only get to see a few times a year. I hope you have a grand weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

The kind of dignified language and humor considered appropriate for our current cultural discourse (that should have been used at the White House Correspondent's Dinner).

Fashion reminders now that it's getting hot outside.

In 1931, Zora Neale Hurston sought to publish the story of Cudjo Lewis, the final slave-ship survivor. Instead it languished in a vault. Until now.

Looking forward to catching this movie when it opens next week.

Four small businesses that have mastered customer service in a way big stores can't.

Thoughtful travel advice (including the genius of having downtime and thinking outside the box for souvenirs).

This may be the coolest teacher gift. Ever.

Have you tried a black peel off mask yet? This one leaves your skin super smooth.

The most exciting city in America?

Kanye's politics are what happens when you don't read books.

Stumbled upon this article about Hemingway's muse (with great connections to a recent book club favorite read).

[Image from Food52 on Instagram.]

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