Friday, May 11, 2018

Freeform Friday

I'm excited to celebrate my milestone birthday with close friends this weekend; they're skipping gifts and coming in costumes from the films of a favorite director, and I've been needing out on film-inspired food and decorations in preparation. All aboard the quirk express! I hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How to be mindful in everyday situations.

Excited to explore the most European city in North America this summer.

I want about a dozen of these cookie cutters (especially this one).

How pretty is this summer top?

You love rosé. I love rosé. Let’s all make some rosé sangria.

Go watch RBG this weekend, and take your mother. Buy her something to go with it, too!

What's it like to raise a young daughter in the age of Trump.

This is one of my favorite lists when it comes to picking my next book.

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