Friday, May 18, 2018

Freeform Friday

After a busy week, I'm looking forward to loads of family time this weekend. We're lucky enough to see lots of extended family for a gathering honoring my late grandpa, and I'm looking forward to hearing favorite stories as we celebrate his long, colorful life.  If the weather cooperates, we'll finally get the kayaks in the water, and I get to cap the weekend with book club with my favorite group of ladies. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How to be mindful on vacation.

Will Ferrell and Molly Shannon’s “Cord and Tish” are ready for the royal wedding.

Ha! Women rejecting marriage proposals in western Art history.

I've been thinking about this look at views on men and women with gray hair, especially as I'm teaching Big Fish in Film this week.

Why women are attracted to female-only co-working spaces.

A thoughtful collection of children's books that foster acceptance.

Loving this piece of flash fiction (that my student won a huge award for!).

How could  you only pick one of these fabulous desk signs?

I want to be a member of the Walkie Talkies when I retire.

I love this food writer's honesty about working with food and having food issues.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

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