Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Eight Guy Gifts

With Father's Day coming up, it's handy to have a few good gifts in mind for all the handy dads in your life. Here are some things that have been a hit with guys I know and might just work for yours, too.

It doesn't matter if you're drinking Scotch on the rocks or a sparkling Pellegrino, it all tastes better in one of these beautiful glasses.

How about giant ice spheres for that drink?

A smart shirt to sport always works (and is sure to garner comments and compliments).

Classes to tickle his funny bone; my husband and his buddy took these last summer and had an amazing time attending classes by day and performances by night. 

A portable record player to play his vinyl collection out on the deck (or wherever else he feels like taking it!). 

If you've giving a gift to someone who likes tools for the yard, our metal utility cart gets a ton of usage at our house; it's great for toting firewood, recycling to the curb, or a host of other tasks. We got ours from our favorite local hardware store, but they have them at (often times family owned) Ace stores, too. 

My husband always gets loads of compliments (and free drinks from strangers!) when he wears this shirt and this shirt.

What other ideas have been hits with the guys in your life? Tickets to a sporting event or concert?
A T-shirt from his favorite local record store, movie theater, or band? A gift certificate to his favorite restaurant with a patio for warm summer nights?

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