Friday, May 25, 2018

Freeform Friday

I looooove three day weekends. We got our kayak on the river as soon as we could this afternoon, and I'm looking forward to getting to the pool and out on the lake as much as possible this holiday weekend. I always think I'll tackle big projects on long weekends, but the truth is I'd much rather read, relax, and recharge. I hope you have a restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy some of my favorite links from the past week.

I kind of love that Queen Elizabeth is bonding with Meghan Markle's beagle.

What stories that shaped the world do you most remember?

Love these birds and bees prints on one of my favorite dresses.

Spring is the perfect time to spot migrating birds. Listen to these local visitors.

Holy wanderlust. Look at these rooms with a view.

So excited to see free recipes and expert tips from Cooks Illustrated on Instagram.

Still thinking of the whipped feta a friend served with fresh peas and blanched asparagus at book club last weekend.

New Harry Potter shirts for your favorite muggle.

I read a great review for this multipurpose moisturizer, and I'm itching to try it.

Father's Day gift ideas for ya.

[Image from Traverse City Tourism.]

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