Friday, June 1, 2018

Freeform Friday

We have a busy weekend punctuated by celebrations for my wonderful mom's birthday (where we always eat this treat) and a dinner with friends at their newly renovated house. I'm hopeful that the warm weather holds and the sky stays clear so we can get in some rejuvenating pool time, too; our efforts to swim were thwarted twice this week by thunder. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

This is a refreshing alternative to plain chicken salad for a picnic.

I'm blown away that this hidden Frank Lloyd Wright gem is almost in my backyard.

These flying fox photos are incredible.

How amazing does this job sound?

A little lipstick always does the trick.

Can every dress have pockets and a pattern this cute?

Need inspiration for your next summer road trip? This list helps inspire wanderlust.

Can’t wait to see this film again when it has a wide release in July.

Damn. Well played, Sally Field.

[Photo from Food 52 on Instagram.]

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