Friday, June 29, 2018

Freeform Friday

After a whirlwind of traveling, I'm happy to be back home and getting into full summer mode with a nice balance of trips to the pool, grilling on the deck, and working from home here and there. Our family is attending the Families Belong Together protest this Saturday, and it's the first time I'll take the kids to a protest. This is such a turbulent time in our history, and I hope that all of these good people coming together are heard by those across our country who need to hear it. I hope you have a good weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Inspiring words from someone who has seen it all. Also, if you haven't read his graphic novels, you should start with this. It's powerful an and amazing read.

And suggestions for how to help and do something to support families that have been separated.

Remembering Donal Hall, one of my absolute favorite writers. If you're looking for a glimpse into his life, this book is in my top five favorite books ever.

On a related note, this is a lovely place to start if you're looking for ideas on how to get into reading poetry.

Please stop and enjoy.

What a fun fan-theory about Mary Poppin's possible connection to Hogwarts.

I fell in love with this dessert on vacation and am now dreaming of making it at home.

Storq Maternity's bold move away from models and fake baby bumps is such encouraging news from fashion.

History according to Republicans: Countries in Europe ranked by civility.

[Image from my recent trip to Cinque Terre. Find more photos here.]

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