Friday, June 15, 2018

Freeform Friday

Whew! We made it! The school year is over, and I'm happily disconnecting from my work world to partake in some much needed restorative travel for several weeks. First I'm going on a long-planned trip with my beloved mom and sister to London, Paris, and the French and Italian Rivieras. After that, I'm home for a couple days before heading to Montreal with my family for a week of exploring the most European city in North America. I'm looking forward to afternoons spent chatting in cafes and exploring new vistas with the ones I love most. I hope you have a wonderful, restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How Anthony Bourdain came to be Anthony Bourdain, including this gem, "the value of a dish is the pleasure it brings you; where you are sitting when you eat it—and who you are eating it with—are what really matter."

What the f**k are you doing?

I'm all for walking down the aisle in non-traditional ways; my husband and I met each other in a mesmerizing moment at the back of the aisle and walked down together.

Inspiring words from some of my favorite writers.

How amazing that new discoveries about Pompeii are still being made.

What exciting news for Detroit!

What a sweet story for Father's Day.

Sometimes I really need to hear work advice like this.

I love that Angela Merkel's team shared this photo.

This is the word of the Lord.

Melania represents the status of women under Trump — absent, frozen out, erased from the picture.

[Image from Yallers Liguria on Instagram.]

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