Friday, June 8, 2018

Freeform Friday

Eeek! David Sedaris is appearing at a local book store tonight, and I had the good fortune of winning a ticket to his intimate reading. I. Can't. Wait. I also have a busy weekend hopping from one end of the school year event to another as well as a much needed book club with my favorite gal pals. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

I had the distinct pleasure of reading David Sedaris' new book in one 24-hour bout last week, and it was sublime.

Have you seen this documentary? I stumbled upon it looking for clips of Sedaris' English home.

What’s more perfect for Father’s Day than a fabulous steak dinner?

I can't get enough of this playful, beautiful website.

This time-lapse footage from Hawaii's recent volcano eruption is mesmerizing.

Thank you for being a voice of reason, RBG.

Some great perspectives on mental illness.

What a party pooper.

Some modern revisions on “appropriate times to pardon oneself.

[Image of one heck of a pool party from Montreal on Instagram.]

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