Friday, November 9, 2018

Freeform Friday

What fun it was to walk outside in the softly falling snow this morning! Paired with the falling leaves, it's the best of both seasons. This weekend I'm looking forward to cozy fires with newly delivered firewood and an always lovely book club meeting to talk about one of my favorite author's spot-on manifesto. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Everyone hear the story of Nancy of the West.

I have Orson Welles' previously unreleased film on my watch list (and it's on Netflix!).

A great interview with the always charming Jeff Tweedy.

Recipe inspiration from Ann Arbor's best known deli.

This new podcast, Believed, is an intimate look at the many people involved in Larry Nassar's 20 years of abuse.

These photos are perfectly cropped and composed in a wonderfully playful way.

A comforting soup recipe I'm itching to try.

These sparkly low tops are too fun.

A timely reminder that our electoral system isn't designed for working-class people to lead.

Ten takeaways from the 2018 midterm elections.

[Image from Wright Kitchen.]

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