Friday, November 2, 2018

Freeform Friday

Happy weekend! I'm looking forward to a hyggeligt weekend full of sleeping in, snuggles on the couch, and too much Halloween candy. We're also headed to a storytelling event tonight where we'll cheer on my step-dad and listen to some great tales. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past weekend.

I love Instagram for introducing me to wonderful artists like this.

Jarred pasta sauce taste tests because weeknight dinners aren't making themselves.

What a delightful peek inside Ina's pantry.

A little college (essay) humor.

Forget Tuscany. The Piedmont is the gem of northern Italy.

A surprising Supreme marriage proposal.

I've never read a romance novel, but this article about the evolution of the genre in the era of #metoo is convincing.

I'm the mom with the big mouth.

At long last, the Beastie Boys reveal what "Sabotage" is all about.

Aren't these flannel sheets cozy looking?

Classicist Mary Beard on what the Romans can teach us about Trump.

Well, that's a revealing map.

[Image from libbyvanderploeg on Instagram.]

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