Friday, October 27, 2017

Freeform Friday

This whole weekend is one long Halloween pre-party for our kids. We're heading out to a spooky movie Saturday and a trick-or-treat event at a local museum on Sunday. Some friends are hosting an awesome clothing swap party, too, so I'm hopeful that I can off-load some sweaters I've tired of and pick up a new (to me) item to refresh my wardrobe.

I hope you have a festive weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Halloween nostalgia compliments of the family farm I grew up on.

I have a feeling this will be my new cold weather favorite meal.

How much sugar can you avoid today (also known as how the brain of a meal planner for a T1D works)?

Don't be fooled by media bias. Think for yourself with help from AllSides.

Newseum's fascinating look at today's front page.

Solar power for Puetro Rico compliments of Tesla.

Hillary highlights from her event in Ann Arbor.

Reese Witherspoon's insight into personally changing women in film.

I firmly believe in drinking from unusual mugs, and this is my favorite lately.

Bubloons made by mixing helium with foam.

[Photo by Wright Kitchen on Instagram.]

Friday, October 20, 2017

Freeform Friday

These golden autumn days are grand, aren't they? We're lounging on the back porch this afternoon and capping the day off with pumpkin ice cream for dessert. I also get to meet a friend for an evening out this weekend to celebrate her birthday, and we're meeting at a local restaurant that makes the my favorite cocktail.

I hope you have a grand weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Things boys could learn from Girl Scouts.

I already know where I'm headed when school gets out in June.

This show was my guilty pleasure in high school.

Love this homegrown pumpkin ad.

Halloween costume goals.

Book inspired costumes for kids (and adults!).

Hilarious pictures of hysteria responses inside a haunted house.

Former Wharton professor: "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had."

Would you go to dinner in an igloo along the Thames?

"There's something to be said for keeping things to yourself until it's time."

Special delivery from Carrie Fisher!

Kevin Smith is donating his Weinstein residuals to a charity for women in filmmaking.

[Photo from LeighAnn_A_Gram on Instagram.]

Friday, October 13, 2017

Freeform Friday

I love any chance to get my kids in their Halloween costumes, so we're headed to a fantastic jack-o-lantern lined Halloween event this weekend where Glinda from Wizard of Oz and Darth Vader will unveil their festive looks. We also have a great evening with friends planned where we learn about drink a curated selection of wines that the guests all bring. Cheers to that.

I hope you have a  wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

I have no reason to want these or these, but I find their cuteness irresistible.

 “We’re not really ‘environmental’ anymore, and we certainly aren’t ‘protecting’ anything.”

Why it's worth it to wait in line for a signed book from David Sedaris.

If famous directors filmed recipes how-tos.

The Rock Test: A hack for men who don't understand sexual harassment.

One might see this as a success if the group didn't have a history of being obscenely biased.

I hope, gentle readers, you're not sick of all my Sherman Alexie posts (so sorry, not sorry).

“Based on the prevalence of guns in this country, there’s a bullet for every man, woman, and child.”

Why are more American teenagers than ever suffering from severe anxiety?

Have you seen this Twitter bot that fs every word in the English language?

I need to find a place in my house for these tiles, designed for a local rehabilitated theater.

[Photo by BosExposures on Instagram.]

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Fall Weekend in Northern Michigan

Each fall we make a habit of escaping the stress of work with a getaway to Northern Michigan. Outside of the hustle and bustle of summer tourist season, the Little Traverse Bay has oodles of options for getting outdoors and enjoying mild temps. Whether you're able to travel during peak leaf colors in mid-October or any other autumn weekend, here are my favorite fall activities to partake in:
Stock up on pumpkins, gourds, apples, and fall produce at Bill's Farm Market. For real. I leave extra truck space while packing so I can bring back our haul. Bring your camera so you can snap photos with the picturesque pumpkins, too. Do remember that they're closed on Sunday.
Grab a to-go lunch (again, Gurney's is closed on Sunday, so buy ahead if needed), and take your picnic to new heights. Literally.
Take the $5 scenic chair lift ride at Boyne Highlands to the top of the mountain for hiking, expansive vistas, and the prettiest spot around to spread out a bright blanket and have your picnic lunch. If your kids are old enough, swap the picnic for a mountain bike and hit the slopes in a decidedly different way.
Explore the beach for fossils, beach glass, and any other treasures. The state park between Harbor Springs and Petoskey is a good spot, but my favorite will always be Good Hart (with details here about how to find Church Beach).
Hike at Thorne Swift and have the place to yourself. This is a leave no trace park, so be sure to enjoy the leaves and beach rocks but not take them home with you.
Explore the off the beaten path springs of Harbor Springs. This post and comments helped us find a new one for our growing list.

This is the unmarked trailhead to find the spring off Beach Drive. Look for a small foot bridge to the left of the nature preserve sign and a wide shoulder for parking on the opposite side of the road. 
Do you have any other accessible spots with springs? How about favorite fall spots that I didn't mention?

Finally, a word to the wise. Due to off-season drops in tourists, some of your favorite summer restaurants might be closed for the season or closed on Sunday. I recommend calling ahead to see if they're open because webpages aren't always updated. But fear not! There are always new places popping up including this fun spot in Cross Village that opened the first weekend of October and a new restaurant that opened next door to it this summer!

P.S. Here are more travel ideas for the Little Traverse Bay area.

P.P.S Like the photos? Find them and more at Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Freeform Friday

Rainy fall days make me want to curl up under a blanket to binge read and watch movies all weekend, so I'm looking forward to family movie night tonight. After watching three Star Wars movies last weekend, I'm also excited to take my son to a performance of the music from the films.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Things more heavily regulated than buying a gun in America.

Hilarious times people trolled protestors.

The Monopoly man who keeps photobombing the Senate's Equifax hearing.

Speaking ill of Hugh Hefner.

A woman may finally get a monumental tribute on the Mall, and she’s naked? Really?

The mayor of San Juan needs to start a lady coup. Now.

Roseanne Cash's call for musicians to stand up agains the N.R.A.

The cathartic power of a social media misfire.

This animated film of Orpheus and Eurydice has the catchiest tune ever.

Loving this Instagram account that blends classic paintings and contemporary photographs.

Things to do with friends (other than go out for dinner and drinks).

Proof that Joni Mitchell is even more magical than you thought possible.

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]