Friday, June 29, 2018

Freeform Friday

After a whirlwind of traveling, I'm happy to be back home and getting into full summer mode with a nice balance of trips to the pool, grilling on the deck, and working from home here and there. Our family is attending the Families Belong Together protest this Saturday, and it's the first time I'll take the kids to a protest. This is such a turbulent time in our history, and I hope that all of these good people coming together are heard by those across our country who need to hear it. I hope you have a good weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Inspiring words from someone who has seen it all. Also, if you haven't read his graphic novels, you should start with this. It's powerful an and amazing read.

And suggestions for how to help and do something to support families that have been separated.

Remembering Donal Hall, one of my absolute favorite writers. If you're looking for a glimpse into his life, this book is in my top five favorite books ever.

On a related note, this is a lovely place to start if you're looking for ideas on how to get into reading poetry.

Please stop and enjoy.

What a fun fan-theory about Mary Poppin's possible connection to Hogwarts.

I fell in love with this dessert on vacation and am now dreaming of making it at home.

Storq Maternity's bold move away from models and fake baby bumps is such encouraging news from fashion.

History according to Republicans: Countries in Europe ranked by civility.

[Image from my recent trip to Cinque Terre. Find more photos here.]

Friday, June 15, 2018

Freeform Friday

Whew! We made it! The school year is over, and I'm happily disconnecting from my work world to partake in some much needed restorative travel for several weeks. First I'm going on a long-planned trip with my beloved mom and sister to London, Paris, and the French and Italian Rivieras. After that, I'm home for a couple days before heading to Montreal with my family for a week of exploring the most European city in North America. I'm looking forward to afternoons spent chatting in cafes and exploring new vistas with the ones I love most. I hope you have a wonderful, restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How Anthony Bourdain came to be Anthony Bourdain, including this gem, "the value of a dish is the pleasure it brings you; where you are sitting when you eat it—and who you are eating it with—are what really matter."

What the f**k are you doing?

I'm all for walking down the aisle in non-traditional ways; my husband and I met each other in a mesmerizing moment at the back of the aisle and walked down together.

Inspiring words from some of my favorite writers.

How amazing that new discoveries about Pompeii are still being made.

What exciting news for Detroit!

What a sweet story for Father's Day.

Sometimes I really need to hear work advice like this.

I love that Angela Merkel's team shared this photo.

This is the word of the Lord.

Melania represents the status of women under Trump — absent, frozen out, erased from the picture.

[Image from Yallers Liguria on Instagram.]

Friday, June 8, 2018

Freeform Friday

Eeek! David Sedaris is appearing at a local book store tonight, and I had the good fortune of winning a ticket to his intimate reading. I. Can't. Wait. I also have a busy weekend hopping from one end of the school year event to another as well as a much needed book club with my favorite gal pals. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

I had the distinct pleasure of reading David Sedaris' new book in one 24-hour bout last week, and it was sublime.

Have you seen this documentary? I stumbled upon it looking for clips of Sedaris' English home.

What’s more perfect for Father’s Day than a fabulous steak dinner?

I can't get enough of this playful, beautiful website.

This time-lapse footage from Hawaii's recent volcano eruption is mesmerizing.

Thank you for being a voice of reason, RBG.

Some great perspectives on mental illness.

What a party pooper.

Some modern revisions on “appropriate times to pardon oneself.

[Image of one heck of a pool party from Montreal on Instagram.]

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Winning Parent Moves for Kid Events

Photo credit: Jenny Rose

Whether you're headed to an end of the year ice cream social or waiting out a day long soccer tournament or swim meet, you want your parent game to be strong. Given that a relaxing glass of wine at kid events is frowned upon, here are the items I do recommend bringing to help you not just survive but also enjoy yourself.

Folding chairs or love seats for parents and kids to relax on are key. We're especially fond of two-seaters like this one and circling up with your other parent buddies while the kids play on the grass between us.
A nice variety of activity books, coloring books, graphic novels, and games to keep kids occupied while waiting. I'm not a big fan of screen time while outside, so I try to pick items that kids can pass them around or even work on opposite pages at the same time. Here are favorites in our seven and under set:

Star Wars Doodles have big pages that inspire lots of silly collaboration and conversation.

Melissa and Doug Water Wows (that I often find at TJMaxx and stash away for trips or moments like this) have reusable pages that are activated by a refillable water brush.
Usborne Pocket Doodling and Coloring Books are a perfect compact size for traveling.

Set is one of my favorite card games, and there is a junior version if you have little kids. It's great for solo or group play.

A rolling cooler full of drinks, cut up fruit, and other snacks helps refuel athletes and keep little siblings satisfied, too.

Pack lots of water bottles in different colors to prevent sharing slobber. This is my favorite brand because of their durability, rare leaks, and easy to use (and swap) sport or sippy tops. 

What are your must-have items for kid-related events? What winning parent moves do you have up your sleeve?

Friday, June 1, 2018

Freeform Friday

We have a busy weekend punctuated by celebrations for my wonderful mom's birthday (where we always eat this treat) and a dinner with friends at their newly renovated house. I'm hopeful that the warm weather holds and the sky stays clear so we can get in some rejuvenating pool time, too; our efforts to swim were thwarted twice this week by thunder. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

This is a refreshing alternative to plain chicken salad for a picnic.

I'm blown away that this hidden Frank Lloyd Wright gem is almost in my backyard.

These flying fox photos are incredible.

How amazing does this job sound?

A little lipstick always does the trick.

Can every dress have pockets and a pattern this cute?

Need inspiration for your next summer road trip? This list helps inspire wanderlust.

Can’t wait to see this film again when it has a wide release in July.

Damn. Well played, Sally Field.

[Photo from Food 52 on Instagram.]