Friday, December 21, 2018

Freeform Friday

Congratulations! You somehow made it though this grueling work week! Or is that just me who had a looooong week? Anywho, we're excited to enjoy some much needed time off. After a marathon of holiday parties, we're spending a quiet day at home on Christmas where we'll say in pajamas until noon and enjoy our new toys, books, and movies. I hope you have a lovely weekend and holiday, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

What the movies teach us about being a woman.

Inspiring stories about people who succeeded later in life.

I've always been a fan of anxiety baking.

Get outside to enjoy the winter solstice! No really. There's a full moon and a meteor shower.

What are you making for Christmas dinner? We're having this and this, favorites from a trip to Italy last summer.

Why you shouldn't give up writing by hand.

We can all out fox the holidays.

It's a wonderful (Trump-free) life.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Friday, December 14, 2018

Freeform Friday

We're celebrating my husband's birthday this weekend by heading to Detroit for a night to catch a game and enjoy the outdoor holiday markets. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

When it's cold outside, I love dreaming of vacations, and this agriturismos site is especially dreamy.

I'll take any update on Wes Anderson's next movie, please.

Have you tried this trick for falling asleep?

File this under additional ways our society tries to control opinionated women.

How absolutely wonderful is this song?

Why are you still using paper towels?

Pence got an early start on the government shut down.

Welcome to the age of the bottomless Pinocchio.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Friday, December 7, 2018

Freeform Friday

This weekend we're setting up our Christmas tree and hanging stockings on the mantel, an event my five-year-old has been begging to do for weeks. I'm hoping to sneak away to this indie art show to get some final stocking stuffers, and I'm excited finally go to a cafe for book club that I've heard so many great things about. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

It's about damn time.

Mmmm. Spoon bread.

I love board games during the winter months, and uur family has been loving this game lately. Here are some more ideas if you're looking for them.

Curious and kind? Sounds good to me.

A call to abolish the senate from an experienced voice.

Amen to paying interns (and $15 an hour, too!).

The only high ratings for Trump that matter.

[Image from Bosexposures on Instagram.]

Friday, November 30, 2018

Freeform Friday

Happy weekend! We're celebrating my son's birthday tomorrow and taking the kids to the theater on Sunday. I just started a new book (and a new to me genre) that I've read great things about, so I'm hoping to steal away some cozy reading time, too.  I hope you have a festive weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

These food reviews are some of the funniest pieces of writing I've read in a while.

Forget Disney. Check out this magical set in London.

Why I look so tired.

The best resource for finding great new book recs.

Still think single payer healthcare is unreasonable?

What is sure to be a final great book from the late great Donald Hall.

I love that CNN is throwing some serious shade with the use of facts.

I will not be ashamed of loving Love Actually.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Friday, November 23, 2018

Freeform Friday

Congratulations! You've survived another holiday, and if you're anything like me, you're relishing a wild weekend full of reading in front of the fire and eating too many Thanksgiving leftovers. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

When in Rome.

Good to know information about social media influencers and the murky ethics behind some sponsored posts.

Because one can never have enough vases (and who can resist a limited edition glaze?).

Respect the hustle.

The evolution of western women's fashion every year from 1784 to 1970.

I wore this dress for Thanksgiving and love how comfortable and stylish it is.

It's always nice to hear that others think Twilight is as intolerable as I've found it.

GOP Jesus just in time for CHRISTmas.


Ha! Rake America Great Again.

[Image from Pewabic Pottery.]

Friday, November 16, 2018

Freeform Friday

Chilly days like this require a movie marathon in front of the fire, and I think Home Alone won the vote for tonight. We're hosting Thanksgiving next week, so I'm going to try to get some shopping done so I can get a jump on some cooking and baking. I hope you have a cozy weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

What to see and where to eat in Detroit.

So many good laughs with these two.

Your cool new congresswomen are already hanging out.

A fantastic list of cooperative games for all ages.

A love letter to working with your spouse.

Now that cold weather is here, I'm dreaming of recreating a braised duck recipe I had it Italy. Hopefully this or this will do the trick.

Giddy up! This modern update of Seinfeld is hilarious.

How to prepare your Hanksgiving meal.

A great twist on a classic comfort food dessert.

This profile with a retired CIA disguise expert is riveting.

[Image from Ken Scott Photography.]

Friday, November 9, 2018

Freeform Friday

What fun it was to walk outside in the softly falling snow this morning! Paired with the falling leaves, it's the best of both seasons. This weekend I'm looking forward to cozy fires with newly delivered firewood and an always lovely book club meeting to talk about one of my favorite author's spot-on manifesto. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Everyone hear the story of Nancy of the West.

I have Orson Welles' previously unreleased film on my watch list (and it's on Netflix!).

A great interview with the always charming Jeff Tweedy.

Recipe inspiration from Ann Arbor's best known deli.

This new podcast, Believed, is an intimate look at the many people involved in Larry Nassar's 20 years of abuse.

These photos are perfectly cropped and composed in a wonderfully playful way.

A comforting soup recipe I'm itching to try.

These sparkly low tops are too fun.

A timely reminder that our electoral system isn't designed for working-class people to lead.

Ten takeaways from the 2018 midterm elections.

[Image from Wright Kitchen.]

Friday, November 2, 2018

Freeform Friday

Happy weekend! I'm looking forward to a hyggeligt weekend full of sleeping in, snuggles on the couch, and too much Halloween candy. We're also headed to a storytelling event tonight where we'll cheer on my step-dad and listen to some great tales. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past weekend.

I love Instagram for introducing me to wonderful artists like this.

Jarred pasta sauce taste tests because weeknight dinners aren't making themselves.

What a delightful peek inside Ina's pantry.

A little college (essay) humor.

Forget Tuscany. The Piedmont is the gem of northern Italy.

A surprising Supreme marriage proposal.

I've never read a romance novel, but this article about the evolution of the genre in the era of #metoo is convincing.

I'm the mom with the big mouth.

At long last, the Beastie Boys reveal what "Sabotage" is all about.

Aren't these flannel sheets cozy looking?

Classicist Mary Beard on what the Romans can teach us about Trump.

Well, that's a revealing map.

[Image from libbyvanderploeg on Instagram.]

Friday, October 26, 2018

Freeform Friday

This weekend I'm headed out of town with my fantastic group of book club pals; we're overnighting in a little Lake Michigan town to talk about our most recent book and imbibe in plenty of bottles of bubbly. I hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

I love public art, especially when it involves books.

The start of fall traditions, according to Adam and Eve.

This is just my face.

What does life look like for girls turning 18 in 2018?

The best fall treat (that I'm bringing on our weekend getaway!).

These are so soft they make me actually want to wear leggings. Maybe even in public?

What a perfectly fantastic holiday tradition.

Interesting news about Richard Linklater's films that are in the works.

This is the best pregnancy announcement from a celebrity I've ever seen.

[Image from RKramer62 on Instagram.]

Friday, October 19, 2018

Freeform Friday

We have lots of things to celebrate this weekend -- my husband is back to work after a long recovery following surgery to his elbow, and my mom had a cancer check-up that was the best news we can hope for at this time. We're celebrating with a great Halloween movie out tonight and cozy meals at home. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links form the past week.

A fantastic look at a four-course meal in the chef's garden (and a stunning debut from The Maryn).

My family isn't hard-core enough for matching sets, but these are pretty cute pajamas for kids.

A great reminder that get togethers with friends don't need to be fancy to work well.

A fun video featuring David Sedaris and his hunt for fresh writing material.

The lifestyles of the rich (immoral, complicit) and famous.

This dish is an often requested meal by my kids and great for having friends over for dinner.

These Annie Hall-like subtitles had me laughing.

This is the history our country is creating.

Looks like a bunch of old dogs playing poker to me.

[Image from Best Pictures Michigan on Instagram.]

Friday, October 12, 2018

Freeform Friday

Tonight we're headed to a good friend's 40th birthday party, and we get to dress up in our favorite '90s clothes (that I've been carefully saving at the back of my closet). I love a good costume party, and I'm super excited to wear my favorite Friday nigh outfit from high school -- with a gray field hockey T-shirt and a large plaid button down, I'm going to be so cool and so comfortable. I hope you have a festive weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Why write letters? “It’s nice to be thought of as classy.”

Relax. Don’t be so uptight. You know you want it.

A letter every female athlete (current or former) can relate to.

For those of us with overstimulating jobs, this quiet-space app sounds like a dream.

How cute is this little dress?

This sweet boy.

Honest greeting cards from the women in your life.

Mad Magazine just got real as hell.

The cruelty is the point.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Freeform Friday

This weekend we're relaxing, going out for some fall hikes, and headed to a local pumpkin patch to pick out lots of fall goodies. I'm planning on spending lots of time cuddled under a blanket, reading my book club book, and channeling all my hygge coziness to make the most of the cool weather. I hope you have a cozy weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

It's decorative gourd season, motherfuckers.

I needed to hear this reminder to capture everyday moments.

Damn you, Founders, for your wishy-washy politics. I liked your beer (until now).

Stop shaming women for their clothes.

While not new, this telling photo series is one we need to keep seeing to understand why American children are picky eaters.

Thanks for the laughs, Matt Damon.

Are you there fall, it's me, books.

No! Not the prosecco!

A perfectly comforting meal for cool weather.

Loving these comfy kicks.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Freeform Friday

What a wild, wild week. Aside from being glued to the radio and/or television coverage of brave Dr. Blasey Ford's testimony and resulting proceedings, I'm planning on staying cozy at home this weekend. It's time to recharge and get ready for whatever next weeks throws at us, my friends. I hope you have a restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

How your fraternity membership may dampen your SCOTUS nomination.

The rape culture of the 1980s, explained by Sixteen Candles.

Every. Woman. In. This. Photo.

Satisfying soups like this are perfectly satisfying now that the weather is cooler.

These Italian ghost towns turned resorts look heavenly.

Dinner ideas for busy families.

All the feelings for this compelling story from Humans of New York (in Lagos).

Wish listing these playful rain boots.

An artist's revenge (with a good dose of humor).

The world just laughed together, and boy did it feel good.

[Image from Emily McDowell on Instagram.]

Friday, September 21, 2018

Freeform Friday

We're headed out to a movie and lecture on film noir tonight, and I'm excited to get out of the house with my husband who has been cooped all week nursing his arm injury. The weeks have been so busy lately, so I'm really looking forward to having a chance to catch my breath and enjoy some cozy moments at home. There's something kind of magical about godlen-green autumn days like these, isn't there? I hope you have a cozy weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

A refreshing revision to high school homecoming courts.

The fascinating on foot journey of David Sedaris.

"I hoped that my fears for our future were overblown. They were not."

Great advice about parenting.

GOP Officials: Kavanaugh shouldn't be held accountable for something he did as white teenager.


Ha! "ALEXA, play Frank Ocean."

[Image from Mistylyn on Instagram.]

Friday, September 14, 2018

Freeform Friday

Whew. That was a doozy. After injuring his arm over Labor Day weekend and requiring orthopedic surgery on the second day of school, my husband is finally feeling a little better and our household is starting to find our new school year rhythm. The first couple of weeks went by in a blurry-eyed haze, so I'm looking forward to resting and recuperating this weekend. I hope you also have a restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

You don't have to be perfect, just present.

Tammy Duckworth is all kinds of amazing.

Small kindnesses often make a big difference.

What rage costs a woman.

So much fun with classroom instruments.

Made me snicker over this change in perspective.

This customized round house is amazing.

A brief (and frustrating) history of people policing women’s tennis outfits.

It’s not really about the speech habits. It’s about being women, speaking.

Well played, Ms. Michigan.

Day trip and other vacation ideas in the Mitten.

These comments about Hurricane Florence are. Well. Just read them for yourself.

[Image from Wright Kitchen on Instagram.]

Friday, August 31, 2018

Freeform Friday

Happy holiday weekend! We're excited about having dinner at the pool with friends tonight and watching The Goonies on an outdoor inflatable screen at another buddy's place on Sunday. Additionally, our youngest starts kindergarten next week, and we're all back to school on Tuesday, too. Whew! Where did the summer go? I hope you have a lovely summer sendoff this weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Awaken your teacher chakras.

Women having a terrible time at parties in Western art history made me laugh.

I love this local Etsy shop, and it has a sale this weekend!). My son is convinced his toy from the shop is direct from Santa's workshop because he can tell it's not just off the shelf. Too. Cute. Check out his Instagram page, too.

Lookin' good, Detroit.

Serena Williams wears a revenge tutu like no other. In related news, WTF is wrong with tennis dress codes for women?

My kids are obsessed with the 1984 version of this movie and terrified of the 2016 reincarnation. Isn't it funny how dated visual effects make such a big difference in how silly vs. scary films can be?

Smart and funny tips for life.

Settlers nearly destroyed Michigan’s wild river rice beds. Native tribes are restoring them.

[Image from Live Montreal on Instagram.]

Friday, August 24, 2018

Freeform Friday

Like teachers everywhere, I'm cramming as much as I can into this last weekend of vacation. We had a satisfying week checking items off our summer to-do list, and now we're going to the movies three days in a row, hanging out with friends, and getting to the pool. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

Scheduling a trip around seeing these giant performers would be completely worth it. Here is a teaser of them in action.

This three ingredient dessert (plus beeriest to top) looks divine.

I snagged a jar of these on vacation and fell in love. So much flavor with less sugar and carbs. Score!

We ate these tacos (twice!) on vacation, and I've been working on recreating a fried chicken taco ever since. Spicy micogreens from Farmer's Market are my new fav.

So punny.

Timing is everything, and this photo proves it.

Ina's aperol spritzer looks like the perfect summer drink.

This piece does a great job of explaining why motherhood *in America* is so frustrating.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Friday, August 17, 2018

Freeform Friday

After a sun drenched week on the shores of Lake Michigan, we're back home and enjoying these last sips of summer vacation. We had a lovely lunch with friends today, and our kids delighted in selling backyard veggies to passing neighbors. Tomorrow we get to visit with our old college roommate and his  family. Maybe we can squeeze in a date at the movies? We're itching to see Spike Lee's new movie, BlacKkKlansman. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week (that's admittedly short due to serious beach time).

Damn, how I love Spike Lee.

I love how this Instagram artist stretches boundaries for how to use social media.

It's all about the personal curriculum.

So proud of these protesters and all that they kneel for.

Children's books that teach kids about the world.

How to renew your English degree made me laugh.

I know that if I buy this I'll want to live in it all weekend long.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Friday, August 10, 2018

Freeform Friday

This brilliant weekend we're in Northern Michigan enjoying our yearly getaway on Lake Michigan. We got here yesterday, and  we’ve been in the water, swimming, kayaking, or walking along the beach, ever since. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Beautiful Upper Peninsula destinations for your travel bucket list.

Trust me on this one. You need this blueberry buckle in your summer dessert rotation.

A fascinating look at family life in Wales.

We're on a Studio Ghibli kick at my house right now, and this is our current watch.

Drag Queen Story Hour brings pride and glamor to libraries across U.S.; I had no idea how controversial this was for lurking evangelicals until I posted a local one on a parenting page. 

Recipes for 101 simple salads (and why have I never thought of grilled cheese croutons like #44?).

How brilliant is this space saving staircase?

Betsy DeVos’s summer home deserves a special place in McMansion Hell.

How Melania and Ivanka aren't standing up against Trump; they're passive puppets who make women look emotional and weak to the men who rule them.

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Friday, August 3, 2018

Freeform Friday

August can feel like one long Sunday night for teachers, so I'm combating that with lots of ways to soak up every drop of summer that's left. I'm planning trips to the pool, the kid zone at Ann Arbor Pride, and anything else that comes our way this weekend. I that I hope you have a  lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Exciting (international!) recognition for Detroit's murals and corresponding festival.

How to plan a family vacation on a budget.

This camera would make for the perfect big kid birthday gift.

An Oberon beermosa? Why not.

Boden has a great end of season sale right now, and this and this were my favorite finds.

How lovely is this vacation home?

Excited to try TrackMyTour on our next vacation.

Happy birthday, Franklin.

Chai desserts? Yes, please.

Thank you, RBG. And congrats on your 25th anniversary.

I love the hope and Promise that this new school holds.

An extremely detailed map of the 2016 election (and a potent reminder to vote this Tuesday).

[Image from Pure Mitten Pride on Instagram.]

Friday, July 27, 2018

Freeform Friday

We're staying busy this weekend with my brother-in-law's family visiting from Oregon (including our nephew who we're meeting for the first time!) with drinks on the porch tonight and lots of swimming. We're also celebrating my father-in-law's birthday at the lake and attending a great fundraiser for autism at the Detroit Zoo this Sunday; I hope to see you there, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Welcome to your new internet time suck, an animal identification site that relies on users viewing photos and videos from trail cams.

Loved this fascinating memoir from Trevor Noah.

How fun are these moving Lego creations?

A fascinating inside look at Frida Kahlo's wardrobe from the Victoria & Albert.

If you're in Ann Arbor this fall, check out this great film noir event at the Michigan Theater.

Melania is taking moves from Citizen Kane now. Well played.

Great news for public school safety.

[Image from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

Monday, July 23, 2018

My Completely Subjective Travel Advice

Gearing up for two trips to four counties (more on that here and here), I happily went into research mode to make the most of my travels. I talked to friends who travel frequently, created Pinterest boards, read tons of articles from Conde Nast, watched YouTube videos with packing tips, and scoured the library for different travel books. And here, my friends, are my best tips for prepping, packing, and traveling.

Follow an Instagram page or two for the area you're going to; it helps you discover beautiful vistas, fanciful foods, and other spots you're sure to include on your itinerary. I especially enjoy Yallers Liguria and Live Montreal (where I first saw this beautiful image from The Village).

Pop into the local pharmacy and wander the aisles; find something completely ordinary that feels out of the ordinary in a different country. For me, it's good smelling soap. I got great bars flecked with lavender in Nice and creamy white goat's milk bars in Montreal. They're inexpensive, easy to pack, and make simple gifts, too.

Know what your favorite spots are, and go to them as much as possible while traveling. For me, it's shopping and snacking at farmer's markets, hiking around botanical gardens, visiting art museums, and canvasing antique markets. I could do just those things and be 100% satisfied on a trip.

Indulge in a favorite vacation food. When we go to our cottage, everyone gets to pick out a favorite junk food to nosh on at the beach. When we were in Montreal during a heatwave, we had ice cream at least once a day. In France, I love seeking out their thick and creamy yogurt to go with my morning crosissant. Oregon vacations allow me to get cartons of Tillamook ice cream and yogurt. Indulge, enjoy, and eat in ways that are out of the ordinary.

Prep and packing make everything easier once I'm at my destination. Here are small items that make traveling easier for me.
  • A handy all-in-one adapter.
  • An inflatable neck pillow that folds up super small paired with a simple eye mask (I found mine at T.J. Maxx).
  • Compression cubes to create extra room in a bag.
  • A lightweight camera case that protects without adding too much bulk.
  • Slim travel books, that I sometimes disguise in the dust jacket of an ordinary book, are still my go-to in an increasingly digital age. All cell phone reception is not created equally, so books are my most reliable source. Everyone has a favorite series, and I've always been a DK fan. Their condensed Top 10 books give helpful overviews that I appreciate when prioritizing plans for a new city. I also loved this Rick Steves book my husband got me, so I'll be sure to check out more from him for future trips.

There are many phone apps and downloads that enhance traveling. Here are some of the ones I've used and recommend.
  • I prefer the more international Trip Advisor to America's Yelp while traveling overseas. It's great for picking everything from a boat tour to lunch to a hotel. Business owners I've connected with often ask for me to leave reviews using this site, so I know it's the one they see results from, too. If you're traveling to a city with lots of Yelp reviews, I do appreciate the map feature it offers when standing in a spot and looking for a restaurant in close proximity. 
  • I appreciate the ease and ability to send custom postcards from Touch Note; you upload trip photos, add captions, write a message, and pick the recipient from your address book. Cards are printed, laminated, and sent from the U.S. and arrive much faster than cards sent from overseas. Be sure to add it to your phone and buy a discounted package of postcards before leaving. You can get $5 off your first order if you use my code AIMEMV. 
  • We cruised through US customs (our line had one person ahead of us compared to 50+ in the other!) with Mobile Passport. Again, be sure to set up your account before leaving home so you can quickly tap through the questions after you land at your US destination. It's worth it to avoid filling out the paper form alone.
  • Podcasts and audio books are happy distractions during longs flights or waits. I travel with a single paperback, so I like having digital backups to help keep me entertained, too. 
What are your travel tips or accessories? What ritual do you cherish in your travels?

[Photos, unless noted, are from Our Moveable Feast on Instgram.]

Friday, July 20, 2018

Freeform Friday

After wrapping up a work project, I'm happy to get a little break this weekend to go swimming with the kids, sample recipes my husband makes on his new grill, and bake a pie with blueberries the kids and I picked yesterday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

An always dependable recipe from Ina for tomato and avocado salad.

A great podcast interview and a short video with David Sedaris.

The Queen trolled Trump with her choice of pins for the wins.

And on this side of the pond, Pete Souza throws serious Shade.

Need travel guidance? This is the site I've been playing with lately.

I'm itching to buy one of these dresses after all the warm days we've been having lately.

An Instagram account worth following.

I love the idea of this housing swap to help make travel more affordable and accessible.

Abortion is immoral, except when it is convenient for rich Republican men.

[Image from Galina Tolmacheva on Instagram.]

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Vacation Highlights: Montreal

On a bit of a whim, we booked a trip to Montreal with our kids for early July. I was inspired by an old friend who spent 10 days in London and was able to see and do so much more than staying two nights here and three nights there, a route we often go so we can see more in a short time. For this trip  we opted for six days in Montreal.

We also picked Montreal over Toronto because we've toyed with the idea of taking our kids to Europe, they're especially into Roman history right now, and we thought that this short plane trip paired with big city living would serve as a good trial run for lengthier trips in the future. We ended up having a fantastic time exploring the city with kids, and these were some of our favorites from our week.

I love going to farmer's markets in any place I'm visiting, and Jean-Talon Market is certainly one of the best I've been to; we spent a couple hours wandering up and down the aisles of this large outdoor market and the surrounding shops (my favorite perimeter shop was this one). Happily snacking on strawberries, we bought a sampling from a half-dozen places for lunch -- pork tacos, lightly breaded fish, shrimp spring rolls, three kinds of oysters, fresh goat cheese, and even more berries. I also loaded up on quiches and more fresh fruit to take back to our apartment for breakfast the next day.

Montreal Botanical Gardens was the one place my kids would have gone to a second time if we had been in town longer (or the heat had been more forgiving). Their gardens are a delight for the senses, and we were enchanted with the variety of interactive playscapes they had outdoors. Pictured above are my kids pretending to be woodpeckers in tall tree trunks and an fascinating art installation made of willows.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has everything from Picasso to Wiley, and our kids had a blast running up and down their optical illusion installation that runs between two of their buildings.

Staying at an Airbnb (with that incredible view shown above!) in the very walkable Plateau was a great way to get to know the neighborhood, frequent amazing bakeries (like this and this), stumble upon mural after beautiful mural (there are even walks you can do if you want a little direction), eat at restaurants with cuisine from around the world (our favorites were La Demande Generale for French and Negasake for Korean), luck into one of the many summer festivals the city has to offer, and generally get to pretend to live a much more hip life than ordinary.

Eating ice cream every day, and sometimes twice a day, wasn't our plan going into the trip, but a scorching heat wave across much of North America inspired our sampling of the cities' finest dairy delights. Of them all, Ripples had the most incredible, inventive flavors that had us going back for more, and La Diperie had a dazzling array of chocolate shell plus other toppings, like sprinkles and crushed Oreos, to chose from.

To be completely fair, traveling with kids, especially when it's super hot, is not always easy. Not pictured above: a hangry temper tantrum in an Uber that made my husband sweat his potential drop in rating (although the driver was very kind and understanding as a father himself),  repeat reminders to stop clomping from one side to the other of our second floor apartment, and glasses of water spilled on the table for two meals in a row. Traveling with kids requires some work, but so do kids at home, right?

On a final travel note, we flew out of Windsor, and I will certainly be back again. There were three gates, security was super fast, and ticket prices are several hundred dollars less than Metro. So, if you're a SE Michigander, I recommend giving it a try.